Defending Constitutional Rights
For donations to this effort, and to limit spying across financial systems, we accept only Bitcoin from persons who are using Samourai Wallet. We confirm that Samourai Wallet works and recommend you download it from Google Play store (or fdroid where it may also be available) -- the link to download is available here: If you are using a Samourai Wallet you can send donations to the following PayNym (for the time being, copy and paste the PayNym below, a QR code to this PayNym will later be posted): PM8TJTEGu5ZV9Whm1UFJ2mm5PgsytpqECkF7zk4AtjHTgdUEXnZ2suutR2DwJAHAmGC1KdzX8uQ9wZh4m3EifBDGiHSXwdkUXnRSRaiHNVK9iDGYHB14 |

Welcome to

Defending Constitutional Rights

featuring casework in defense of natural and Constitutional rights in the U.S.A.

Who are we?

We are people of different backgrounds with an interest in exercising and defending rights that are available to the people of the United States of America, and for some rights issues, the cases here may extend in scope beyond the United States due to the defense of a natural and unalienable right. Because people's ability to effectively exercise their rights is increasingly limited by numerous state and periodically by certain federal laws, we feature and strive to support those cases in the courts which challenge (attempt to overturn) certain state laws, and certain cases which attempt to to limit or overturn certain federal laws. The focus of this site is on casework which targets the worst offenders who have been passing laws that unconstitutionally restrict or prohibit activities of persons who make their own items in their own home - for this reason, cases focusing on certain unconstitutional state laws are the primary focus of this site. A substantial portion of this site's resources will be dedicated to legal battles against California's AB 857 (2016), Prop. 63, and similar "registration and prohibition" laws now ripe for challenge or being challenged in the courts, and AB 2382 (2017-2018) or similar bills, which by their nature have a prohibitive effect for persons who make tools or other items in their own home.

Contact Defending Constitutional Rights

Address: For donations to this effort, and to limit spying across financial systems, we accept only Bitcoin from persons who are using Samourai Wallet. We confirm that Samourai Wallet works and recommend you download it from Google Play store (or fdroid where it may also be available) -- the link to download is available here: If you are using a Samourai Wallet you can send donations to the following PayNym (for the time being, copy and paste the PayNym below, a QR code to this PayNym will later be posted): PM8TJTEGu5ZV9Whm1UFJ2mm5PgsytpqECkF7zk4AtjHTgdUEXnZ2suutR2DwJAHAmGC1KdzX8uQ9wZh4m3EifBDGiHSXwdkUXnRSRaiHNVK9iDGYHB14